Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tactics for healthy teeth

Keeping your mouth healthy is an integral part of a healthy life. Recent research in dental care has shown that there’s a link between oral disease and different health issues. It shows that toothache and gum disease can result in diabetes, heart diseases etc. Good oral health perpetually begins with clean teeth. There are easy ways to keep your teeth robust and healthy from childhood to adulthood.

1.      Brush your teeth daily: Plaque is a form of bacteria that can stick to the teeth and can result in tooth decay and gum diseases. Brushing your teeth twice a day can remove plague from the surfaces of tooth and gums. You must be careful to take at least two minutes while brushing your teeth. You should also replace your toothbrush in every 3 months.
2.      Floss everyday: Flossing will take away the particles in between your teeth that brushing would possibly miss. Using a back and forth motion guide the floss in between the teeth. When you reach the gum line bend the floss in a C shape and clean a single tooth. Repeat the process for every tooth.
3.      Use fluoridated toothpaste: Fluoride can strengthen the enamel and can prevent tooth decay. It can defend your teeth from acids released from sugar and starch that remains on the teeth after meals.
4.      Rinse your mouth: Using mouth rinses and chewing sugar free gums can prevent tooth decay and gum diseases. Chewing sugar free gums will help to compensate the acid developed during your meals and also help to produce more saliva in your mouth. Be careful to use sugar free gums as excess sugar can damage your teeth.
5.      Balanced diet: Having a balanced diet which includes grains, vegetables and nuts will make your teeth healthy and build strong enamel. You must be careful to limit sugary foods, soft drinks and sweets because it would possibly generate acids that can decay your teeth and gums.

Almost all tooth decay and gum diseases are often prevented by following good oral hygiene. Spending a few minutes every day for brushing and flossing your teeth and practicing balanced diet will not be a waste as it will return a healthy teeth and stronger enamel.

Novadent , one of the outstanding dental care clinic is always ready to help you with all your dental requirements.
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